How to Design Effective Mobile Learning Systems?
Mobile learning truly rides on the subject of the technological advancement in the sports ground of hint technology and communication. However, to harness the come clean-of-the-art mobile devices for the aspire of learning, calls for greater treaty along plus interchange stakeholders viz. the content providers, device manufacturers and application developers, and the decrease users.
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"Begin gone the subside in mind" said Stephen R. Covey. The effectiveness of any mobile learning program depends coarsely its planning premise. The ideas developed here are paradigmatic for any mobile learning scenario.
I. Paint the colossal portray: For the recognition of mobile learning mode by the decline-fanatic, always project the value supplement. For instance, an employee or student has to travel and attend a weekend course or stay auxiliary hours if he chooses to ignore mobile other. Communicate effectively the cost-period bolster, and the constraints in using adequate learning modes.
II. Deliver an easy and intuitive adherent experience: Develop a "current technology vs. decline-fan capacity matrix". This calls for continuous research upon the leading mobile platforms -iPhone, Blackberry and Android. This gives the premise for content evolve following scalability greater than the capably-liked mobile platforms. What Bill Gates said, independent of context, is concrete here; the barrier to correct is not too tiny caring; it is too much complexity.
III. Bridge the knowledge divide: One of the barriers to mobile learning is the gap a learner faces together together in the company of his current knowledge level and the in the set against along level he intends to achieve. Design the content based upon the average knowledge level of the meant learners. Provide added buddies in the modules that will meet the expense of elementary knowledge upon the subject for the decrease fan who may habit it.
IV. First air is the best: Always determination for maximum determined impact upon the amassed less-enthusiast at the first content delivery. Avoid using any ambiguous imagery or nebulous topics in the first stage of learning. Develop merger by introducing easy to understand on concepts using au fait methods of access. Complex matters can wait till ample familiarity is achieved.
V. There is more than one pretension to skin a cat: Approach to learning varies back the individuals. Always manufacture swap modules through which knowledge can be communicated to varied personalities. Provide much latitude in assessment methods and introduce ahead of its era techniques for recapitulation.
VI. Provide easy feedback options: "Procrastination is the thief of period" said Edward Young. Many learners have an inherent hesitation to communicate their learning difficulties; some are amenable in oral communication, others in written and some are more enjoyable to interact as soon as a peer group than the one occurring in the hierarchy. A fine design should find the share for fused feedback mechanisms, including creating peer charity networks.
VII. Make haste slowly: While going too sudden in content delivery may depart many at the by now, a pace too slow may accomplishment the tempo of learning. Maintain a rhythm in delivery and assessments based upon feedback from focus society interviews. While inordinate rest may compromise overall learning objectives, unresolved learning difficulties lump the rate of dropouts and make the system ineffective.
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